20+ Awesome Street Scenes Of Cape Town In The Old Days

It is so amazing to see the lifestyles of yesteryear and how things have changed over the years, especially in Cape Town, and nothing depicts it better than these old street photographs.

Check out these awesome vintage street scenes of Cape Town:

Images courtesy of Etienne du Plessis

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1. Adderley Street, 1959

2. Albert Rd, Woodstock, 1966

3. Corner of Darling & Adderley Streets, 1961

4. Greenmarket Square,1962

5. Darling Street, 1950

6. Leeuwen street, Bo-Kaap, 1969

7. Parliament Street, 1946

8. Corner of Hout Street, 1960

9. Bo-Kaap, 1969

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10. Adderley Street, 1962

11. Church Street, Bredasdorp, 1963

12. Voortrekker Rd, Bellville, early 1950’s

13. Voortrekker road, 1951

14. St. Johns str. Gardens, 1960

15. Sea Point, 1952

16. Corner St.George’s and Riebeeck streets,c1968

17. Heerengracht, c1960

18. Longmarket street, 1961

19. Somerset Hospital, 1940

20. Wale Street, 1954

21. Plein Street, 1963

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